

This is the collection of Insights posts.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

What Are the Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer? Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of reproductive cancer. This condition occurs whenever healthy cells mutate and begin growing abnormally, and it can be caused by past infections, environmental…

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How to Prepare for a Colon Cancer Screening

Colon and rectal cancers are among the leading causes of cancer deaths in the US. These two types of cancers are often referred to as colorectal. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advises that you begin getting screenings for colorectal…

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Prostate Cancer Screening: Know Your Options

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States. Understanding when and why you should get screened for prostate cancer is important because early detection is the key to successful treatment. In this article, we…

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Are You Eligible for a Cancer Clinical Trial?

The advancements in cancer care over the past decade are nothing short of remarkable. Clinical trials are a powerful tool for discovering new treatments while deepening understanding of how existing treatments may benefit different groups of people. Participation in clinical…

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What Are the Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a serious health issue affecting thousands of women annually. It is important for women to be aware of the warning signs of ovarian cancer, as early detection is key to successful treatment. This article will provide an…

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What Are the Recommended Cancer Screening Tests?

In a study published by the American Cancer Society, researchers detailed what most would agree are startling and ominous findings, the first being an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases are projected by the end of 2022. The second is…

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Cancer Care

Cancer care has developed greatly over recent years with the induction of artificial intelligence. More patients are being treated early as AI technology is becoming more widely available for facilities across the globe. If you’re not familiar with how AI…

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8 Common Questions About Pancreatic Cancer

What Causes Pancreatic Cancer? Like many questions about cancer, the specific cause is unknown. Cancer results when your DNA changes in such a way that certain genes, which are called oncogenes, allow tumors to form. Alternatively, the change could result…

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How Lung Cancer Awareness Helps Reduce Risk

Did you know that lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide? At Horizon Oncology, we believe lung cancer awareness is necessary for lung cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. Learn more about preventing lung cancer…

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Vulnerability in Brain Tumors Informs New Treatments

Receiving a brain tumor diagnosis is a stressful and often scary experience. However, treatments are available for the many types of brain tumors. The treatment options have evolved considerably over the years, and medical breakthroughs have decreased the mortality rate.…

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